Doc house;....your reply seems to equate you and your friends with jesus and moses , and the gb aka fds with the high priest or pharaoh? bizarre.
Are you really a jw?
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Doc house ; claim you and your close friends know biblical fact as opposed to gb opinion!! Heh whose running the show in your neck of the woods? The gb claimed fds are not dispensing proper spiritual food!! I definately agree !! Why not write them a letter outlining you and your friends biblical facts as opposed to their opinions.
Go I dare you!
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Doc house ; seem to have no problem promoting your views here?
You quote 1 cor 1 : 10 which endorses speaking the ' same thing ' to avoid division how do you equate your views which are known to your close friends as the ' same thing ' if they are only for their ears. This sounds to me like you are actually going counter to the advice of 1 cor 1 : 10.?
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
the new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
i'm looking for those who have found the path/way of reason.
i include a few notes to those i have approached so far.
these past attempts seem too slow.
Traveler; based discussion can and must include opinion and test of its perceived worth. Adherents of personal or instructed wisdom from these ancient writings can often lead to a cognizance which may seem correct to the interpreter but in reality is off the wall!!
Sometimes the way we choose can lead us in circles,time to get off the roundabout.
"for if you publicly declare with your mouth that jesus is lord,+ and exercise faith in your heart that god raised him up from the dead, you will be saved.
10 for with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration+ for salvation.
11 for the scripture says: no one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.+
1st cent Christians or 1st cent people in general had their way of interpretation of ancient manuscript ot or otherwise, why should that fact impact on contemporary society ?
We are better educated, enlightened through scientific advancement and with the hindsight of religious conflict and disagreement resulting in despicable acts because of belief in various deities we should care less about contradictions in the bible and it's variant interpretations and discard same in favour of working towards a better world.
Best wishes and happy new year to all .
we often hear the phrase.
its used to accuse.... they did not follow j's arrangement, you have to live by j's arrangement.
or to brag.... its all due to j's arrangement , we work with his org, and according to the arrangement.
The arrangement is basically ' a way of doing things ' ie jehovah's arrangement as prescribed by controlling men in the higher echelons of the wtbts of new York. Under the guise of the faithful and discreet slave parable distorters.
Follow their ' arrangement at your peril.
Ps happy new year!!!
"for if you publicly declare with your mouth that jesus is lord,+ and exercise faith in your heart that god raised him up from the dead, you will be saved.
10 for with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration+ for salvation.
11 for the scripture says: no one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.+